The biggest CakeFest to be held in Berlin
Posted on 25/3/09 by Felix Geisendörfer

I will make this short. The 3rd and so far biggest CakeFest will be held in Berlin, home of Debuggable! From July 9-12, people from all over Europe and the rest of the world will travel to Germany in order to celebrate and learn about the best PHP framework there is.
If you have not attended a CakeFest so far, here are some good ideas of what to expect:
- CakeFest #1 (Orlando)
- CakeFest #2 (Buenos Aires)
- Raleigh Workshop (Day 1, Day 2)
The event consists of two parts:
- July 9-10: CakePHP Workshop - (Lead by the CakePHP core team)
- July 11-12: CakePHP Conference - (Presented by the core team + community)
The 2-day workshop is packed with a series of tutorials designed to give developers, both new and seasoned, a solid understanding in building reliable CakePHP applications. Veterans and experts can skip over stuff they already know and use this time for 1 on 1 sessions with the non-presenting developers. The Workshop + Conference ticket is 599 EUR (499 EUR if you do not attend the conference).
The conference itself is going to be packed with talks, delivered by both the CakePHP core team as well as interested community members. At just 199 EUR (student discounts to be announced soon) there is no excuse for not attending.
I will talk on JavaScript for (Cake)PHP developers as well as share my experience in project management using GitHub + Lighthouse. Tim is still making up his mind, but will probably talk about Advanced Debugging.
The location for the conference is a few streets down in my neighborhood, so be assured that we will have more than enough opportunity to gather & celebrate in the evenings.
If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here or email them to me at
Otherwise go ahead and sign up, you will not regret it as the conference will also feature some major announcements exclusively made there.
- -Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Tarique Sani: On it. I'll get that to you ASAP.
I am really looking forward to attending this. As soon as i am a little less broke i will sign up...
If you need any organizational help in Berlin in advance, let me know, i'd be glad to contribute sponsorship this way at least.
What about if you Ustream it?
Pleeeeeease :)
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@Felix I need the 'Request for Sponsorship' document - SANIsoft may be interested in sponsoring again...