Summary of CakeFest #3 - Berlin
Posted on 15/7/09 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
if you are on twitter, you probably heard that cakefest #3 was beyond awesome again this time around.
Amongst other things, Nate spoke about the announcement of Cake3 which is a largely rewritten version of CakePHP that works exclusively with PHP5.3+ and takes advantage of all the new features like namespaces and closures. You can already check the source, but hold your breath - this version is many many months away from a release.
On the first day, Gwoo talked about the more immediate future of CakePHP. CakePHP 2.0 will pretty much be CakePHP 1.2 (ok, actually 1.3) with PHP5 strict-mode compliance. There should be no breaks in backwards computability, but we expect to see a significant performance boost from dropping PHP4 support.
There was a lot of discussion up front on whether Cake3 should be based on the current core or whether it should be a rewrite like it is now. We hope that the benefits of a new architecture will outweigh the problems of backwards compatibility in the long run. It will certainly be interesting to see the uptake of 5.3 as it is a much more significant revision than the version number would indicate.
Anyway, back to the past. The conference was preceded by a 2-day workshop. There was some trouble getting started since we intended to hand out a copy of the app we were going to build that had just the design with it, but falling back to an empty core worked as well. Over the 2 days Nate & Mariano did a fantastic job building a twitter-clone from scratch that also interacts with the actual twitter via a datasource and demonstrates many other CakePHP tools. I think we hit an even better compromise of not overloading beginners and making it still attractive to intermediates, but there also seemed to be some demand for an advanced-CakePHP only workshop.
The conference itself was quite fantastic as well. We had ~70 people at the event, which was a bit of a challenge when trying to pick bars & restaurants at night : ). Pretty much all presentations were fantastic and seemed to be a good mix of different topics.
Garrett also introduced us to a new gentleman game that he has helped to develop named: Fork Master. The game is beyond fantastic and there is an internationally rapidly growing community of players now : ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
PS: Graham is uploading all CakeFest slides right now as well as writing articles covering the talks in detail.
Update 1: Just saw that Kevin also has a fantastic post on the things he picked up at cakefest.
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@gwoo: lol :)
When is CakePHP 2.0 supposed to come out?
Hi Felix,
I have tried to checkout cake3 using command
git clone cake3
many times but it always failed and outputted following
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fetch-pack from '' failed
Any idea why?
Thanks in advance
@Amit Badkas: if you're signed up on, double check the public key attached to your account, it is very particular about the format.
@Nate: thanks for help
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Oh ja, all you berliners are craaaazy. Thanks for the good times and delicious beers. Oh and of course the great talks. Keep working on your bowling skills. Maybe next time you can hit a strike. Btw, did you get the blue chalk off your nose?