CakePHP Meetup this Friday in Berlin
Posted on 29/1/09 by Tim Koschützki

Hey folks,
as we have announced a week ago there will be a meetup of fellow Cakers in Berlin tomorrow. Here are the details:
Amaretto Due
Rigaer Strasse 30 (Ecke Gabelsberger Str.)
Check on Google Maps
8pm GMT + 1 (German time).
Why this bar
It's the bar we always go to. Food there is good and so are the prices (Cocktails 3EUR each).
How do I find you?
Felix and I are tall men who will wear pink socks with small red hearts on the shoes. There will be some beer on the table. You cannot miss us.
What to bring?
Fun and the will to talk about what you are currently doing with CakePHP and what you plan to do. :) You can also bring your laptop but we've opted for a no-wifi location so we can focus on talking not surfing!
-- Tim Koschuetzki aka DarkAngelBGE
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I'll be there...
i'd love to join you but unfortunately i'm not around berlin before the end of the current semester... i hope there are enough interested people that you can make this a monthly happening. so if you have plans like that, count me in!
Thanks everybody who was there, it was great fun! : )
Yes indeed, thanks again for doing that evening. I am totally +1 for the monthly meetup.
+1 for more meetups and thank you guys for sponsoring the drinks this time!
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"Felix and I are tall men who will wear pink socks with small red hearts on the shoes"
This is a quote I won't forget fast :)