CakePHP 1.2 Stable! Come and help
Posted on 13/5/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

Update: If you are wondering how to provide a patch, please follow this guide.
Hey folks,
the CakePHP team is gearing up to finally push out a stable 1.2 release! If you are following the trac timeline you can see that everybody is putting in huge amounts of work to fix bugs and get everything stable.
But in order for this to happen we need your help! Here are a couple things you can help with:
- Submit patches and test cases: If you know how to write test cases, please try to provide test cases and patches for opened bugs that currently have none.
- Provide information on how to replicate bugs: We spend lots of time trying to replicate bugs with little information provided. If you experience any of the listed bugs and are able to replicate them, let us know how!
- Report new bugs: If you know of any bugs currently not listed in trac, please open a new ticket with as much information as possible.
- Help the docs team: The better the docs, the better the framework. Help by submitting content to the CakePHP Book.
This is a great opportunity for everybody out there to get actively involved in open source development and steady contributors will be considered for the core team.
Join us in #cakephp-dv on
We just opened a temporary channel called #cakephp-dv on for pushing out the 1.2 release (code name "DV"). Everybody willing to help is welcome to join us there, we have plenty of stuff for you to work on!
So lets bake folks!
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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This is fantastic news for the CakePHP community, thanks to everyone who has contributed!
Great to hear, lots of work still to be done, but progress is going really well. Keep up the great work everyone!
The cakephp buzz seemed to have been slowing a bit the last few months, so it's great to hear 1.2 will be coming out of beta soon. Congratulations and thanks to all who put in so much work to make an excellent framework!
Great news !!! Cake 1.2 soon out of beta.. Thanks to everyone
This is really great to hear...there'd been some drama at the top not more than a few weeks ago with the only remaining founder threatening to leave the project, and many others complaining about the leadership. The main complaint was that 1.2 was taking forever after being in development since early 2007 and going Beta at the New Year. It looks like people are buckling down and focusing on what's important, and I expect this to be a great release based on my experience with the 1.2 Beta.
Thomas: Glad your are looking forward to the new release. There are always issues if crazy people do stuff in their spare time ; ). But what happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen.
We should have CakeFests more often, seems like activity brews up a lot more when one is coming around the corner :) Speaking of CakeFest, awesome job to both you and Tim on your talks and the extra effort you both did to spread your knowledge. It is very much appreciated. You converted us to JQuery from Scriptaculous / Prototype :) Kudos!
Lee: Absolutely. I'm thinking about starting a user group or something in Berlin if there is enough interest and I would love to see world wide regular cake & jquery gatherings : ).
Great idea Felix, I'll be the first to join the CakePHP usergroup Berlin ;).
Anyways I'm quite impressed by the quality of the CakePHP Beta code. It was stable enough so I could use it without major drawbacks throughout the last year... So if beta-code is that usable I think there's nothing wrong with long-lasting development periods.
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Also, don't worry - Felix and I are always there to help and so are all others. It will be a pleasant experience.