How To Transform HTML To Textile Markup - The CakePHP TextileHelper Revisited
Posted on 23/8/07 by Tim Koschützki

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this works great. thank you thank you thank you for sharing!!! i was dreading the regular expressions.
Np, Paul. :]
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This is a great help, Tim. Can you explain how you'd use this to convert an entire site?
Would you run it page by page, copying and pasting each page's HTML into a new PHP page based on this snippet:
Or have you found a way to automate the process?
So you have an entire arsenal of html pages that you want to textilize? Oh well that should be very easy to automate.
Depending on how your pages are represented (in the file system or in the dbd or wherever) you might use file_get_contents() or some database fetching. Invoke detextile() on the result and off you go. : )
You can use the glob() function or, what I prefer, the Folder class of CakePHP, to read all file names from a given folder (also recursively) and then use file_get_contents().
Or did you mean something else?
Wow, that was a quick response! Thanks.
Yes, that does help.
(I'll try to post my code with broken tags and a bbcode-like container.)
To test, I'm trying to set up an HTML form into which I can past HTML to be converted. In the body I have this:
< form action="" method="post" id="detextile">
Original HTML
Conversion to Textile
Then above the head I have this:
if (isset($_POST['htmlText']))
echo $textile->detextile($_POST['htmlText']);
The script gets as far as the if then stops. What do I have to do differently to invoke your textile function? Man, I must be missing something really basic!
Maybe I over did it. I'll submit the code again.
[code]<form action="" method="post" id="detextile">
Original HTML
Conversion to Textile
The HTML form
if (isset($_POST['htmlText']))
echo $textile->detextile($_POST['htmlText']);
Darn. The HTML is still not showing. Feel free to delete that and I'll try again. I looks like youre running WP, so maybe will work.
<form action="" method="post" id="detextile">
the HTML
Original HTML
Conversion to Textile
Invoking your Textile function
if (isset($_POST['htmlText']))
echo $textile->detextile($_POST['htmlText']);
Sorry about that. What's the trick for showing HTML?
Yeah, html sowing is a little broken. Gotta fix that up. : )
So hrm, o you have a textarea that has the htmltext id or name? I don't see that in your form.. so the if cannot succeed.
listing inside listing is not working..
# test
## item1
## item2
## item3
# test2
## new item
## new item1
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[...] Koschuetzki has a new tutorial posted today for CakePHP users out there - it’s a method for transforming HTML content into [...]