Extra Hot: CakePHP 1.2 Stable is finally released!
Posted on 26/12/08 by Tim Koschützki

Hey folks,
tonight is an amazing one! Not only do we get to play with our hopefully awesome gifts, but we are also able to enjoy the final 1.2 version release of our favorite PHP framework CakePHP!
The Final Release of CakePHP has come along way, with four release candidates altogether. I guess this is the time to thank everybody on the team for their hard work as well as our great community that's been supporting us with ticket submissions, suggestions and often times very usable patches and tests! It's been amazing to be a part of the community! It's not only fun developing CakePHP and with CakePHP, but also communicating with fellow bakers.
CakePHP has grown a lot from the 1.1 release which was exactly two years ago. A lot of cool features went into the framework. However, the most important thing is really that we got all components well-tested with a pretty high test coverage. To learn about the other dramatic changes since version 1.1, hop on over and read Garrett's release announcement.
You guys are probably wondering now in which direction the development of CakePHP is going from now on. Well, this is currently being discussed on the dev team, but rest assured that we are looking at enhancement tickets as well. So, if you happen to have a good idea about a feature or enhancement that should go into Cake 1.3, now would be a good time to voice your opinion.
Come on hop on irc, the google group or simply add a comment to this blogpost and we will discuss it. If you decide to add a ticket instead, please make sure there is no related ticket already as there are well over two hundred already.
I hope you are as excited as we are. :) If you haven't yet used CakePHP, give this final 1.2 release a try - it's well worth a shot!
-- Tim Koschuetzki aka DarkAngelBGE
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Time to buy a cake and celebrate! Congratulations to the whole Cake team.
I just stumbled upon http://www.recessframework.org. It is quite new but the Tools application that ships with it is quite impressive. Would be great to get something like this in Cake 1.3.
Great job guys, this is a big milestone. Hopefully 1.3 doesn't take as long :P
Nice job to everyone involved who has got it to the 1.2 release. I have had my ups and downs with CakePHP - but I have no doubt it has solid developers behind it, who will take it in the right direction it needs to go.
What a great Christmas present :)
Diggers, there is a post on CakePHP 1.2. Help make it front page: http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/the-gift-of-1-2-final
(I didn't post it so I'm not doing this for personal gain on Digg)
Oops link to digg: http://digg.com/programming/CakePHP_1_2_Final_is_here
Congratulations !
I hope to see more quality books written for Cake 1.2. And hopefully to book writer, please give us some example using Cake Migrate, Cake Unit Test. When I read RoR books, their authors always coming out with Test plan for their code.
Cheers from Malaysia
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Congrats to all involved. It has been a long time coming, but well worth the wait!