With jQuery & CakePHP to World Domination (Slides)
Posted on 26/2/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
sorry this took so long, but here you can download the PDF or the much better Keynote version of my slides.
For your convenience, I've also uploaded my slides to my slideshare account.
If you are wondering when the jayDom library is going to be released: I'm trying to get an alpha version out in < 2 weeks.
Meanwhile feel free to ask any questions using the comment function of the blog.
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
You can skip to the end and add a comment.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm keeping an eye out for jayDom and I can't wait to dig in deep. Thanks Felix.
Impressive! Felix, you rocks ! ^^
When this improvement will be integrate to cake core ?
Just one think : a generic way to extract metadata should be better. Like http://plugins.jquery.com/project/metadata
brian: What code? There was lots of code in those slides ; ).
Jason: I'm working hard on fixing some left over IE issues and getting unit test coverage where I want it to be.
Nao: What improvements? Are you talking about the JS include mechanism?
About the metadata plugin: Do you mean using that instead of setJson?
Thanks for that Felix, looks very nice and I cannot wait to get my grubby little fingers on it! CakePHP is really growing into a mature & powerful framework with full JS/PHP integration!
Hi Felix,
This presentation at CakeFest was excellent. I really enjoyed hearing your ideas. You really have a gift for sharing knowledge. Can't wait to hear more!
Thanks Felix - I've been looking forward to these... :)
[...] Anyway, Felix posted a cool way to convert your model data to json in his World Domination slideshow from CakeFest. I’m using it and really liking it. That will be included in my upcoming tutorial. I’ll also have forms, layouts, tabs, etc. I’m even looking into creating a basic framework and then writing my people manager as a plugin. That way, I can write other plugins and integrate them easily. Anyone have any thoughts on that? [...]
Are you planning to release jayDom soon?
Martin Bavio
Guy, you're crazy, Those slides are so funny. But finally: you're right. Thanks for sharing.
Martin: Yeah, working hard on pushing out an alpha release soon!
Martin: Yeah, I mostly have to finish debuggable.com as a plattform to publish the code and documentation.
Hi Felix,
I am really looking forward to trying this out. Hope to see it released soon.
Michał Szajbe
Please say it's soon... xD
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good stuff
is all this code available, and is there a jquery helper / component for php in the works?