Quick dessert: List all controllers of a CakePHP application
Posted on 12/7/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

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Hi folks,
being busy as usual I don't have much time for blogging about the 'really' cool stuff. However here is a quick little dessert showing you how to get an array with all controllers in your application.
Update:: Thx to majna for pointing this out: The cake core has a function called listClasses() which can be used to find the controller files more quickly. Here is a new version making use of it:
$Configure =& Configure::getInstance();
$controllers = array();
foreach($Configure->controllerPaths as $path) {
$controllers = am($controllers, array_map(array(&$this, '__controllerize'), listClasses($path)));
return array_unique($controllers);
function __controllerize($file) {
return Inflector::camelize(r('_controller.php', '', $file));
I'll leave the old code around as well since even if it's less effective it still shows how one can use the Folder class:
$Folder =& new Folder();
$Configure =& Configure::getInstance();
$controllers = array();
foreach($Configure->controllerPaths as $path) {
$controllerFiles = $Folder->find('.+_controller\.php$');
$controllers = am($controllers, array_map(array(&$this, '__controllerize'), $controllerFiles));
return array_unique($controllers);
function __controllerize($file) {
return Inflector::camelize(r('_controller.php', '', $file));
It's something I've heard people asking for in IRC quite some times by now and since I just needed it again I thought I might as well publish it here. I hope somebody out there finds it useful.
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Felix Geisendorfer's Blog: Quick dessert: List all controllers of a CakePHP application...
This works fine too:
$controllerList = listClasses(APP.'controllers'.DS);
majna: Not exactly, it just gives you an array with the file names. However that itself can be used to simplify my code. So I just updated the blog post with a new version. Thanks for pointing it out.
Singleton sux :]
mod rewrite: ?
[...] Jul 30th, 2007 by didip This tips is written by Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined. He is waaaaay involved with CakePHP community. [...]
With a little bit of modification I have accomplished something like that: http://bayimg.com/PAFEDaABF
It shows controller/action permission (SimpleAcl).
Here is incomplete code (php5 only due to of reflection usage): http://bin.cakephp.org/view/2120519177
It have some bugs.
Here's a modification that will get a list of Controllers *or* Models:
I found out that in Cake 1.2 listClass is deprecated and instead we should use listObjects. I needed just an array of unchanged controller names, so I used this
function getControllers() {
$Configure = &Configure::getInstance();
return $Configure->listObjects('controller');
Okay, since uses() is depreciated, how can I import the "Folder" class?
App::import('Core', 'Folder');
Tried that one yet?
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This, together with a helper for creating tabbed menus (kinda like your 'McGyver menu'), can become a automatic menu generator. Which is exactly I was looking for.