Node.js Workshop in Cologne, June 10th
Posted on 20/5/11 by Felix Geisendörfer

We apologize for the short notice, but if you are looking to put node.js in production, this full day node.js workshop we are organizing is where it's at!
The workshop is happening on Friday June 10, one day before Space is limited to 15 people and expected to sell out quickly.
As a reader of our blog, you can get a 15% discount on the regular ticket by using the code 'debuggable'
Should you attend?
This workshop will teach you everything you need in order to write and deploy powerful node.js applications. We'll try to cover a lot of ground, so if you are interested in any of the following, you should definitly attend:
- Setting up node.js on your local machine
- Understanding the module system
- Using npm for installing and upgrading modules
- Publishing your own npm modules
- Everything you need to know about http.Server
- Structuring your code using OOP in JavaScript
- Dealing with all the callbacks in a sane fashion
- Using the same code in node.js and the browser
- Building realtime apps with Socket.IO
- Using the express framework
- An overview over testing tools available for node.js
- Deploying node.js to Ec2 / Joyent
The first half of the day will be guided by slides (which will be made available afterwards), with the second half being a hands-on session where we will build a small node app from scratch.
About the instructor
This workshop will be led by Felix Geisendörfer (that's me). He is one of the earliest and most active contributors to node.js, author of over 20 npm modules and also running one of the biggest node.js applications in production over at
In addition, Tim Koschützki who is also a co-founder at transloadit, will be available all day to help with individual questions and trouble shooting.
Questions & More Workshop
If you have additional questions or can't make it to this workshop, please head over to the workshop page which has information on other upcoming workshops and questions.
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Thank you for the information that you provide Drupal. Frequently encounter problems of this kind would be problem.
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An interesting take on this could be to do this as online training like Github or Engine Yard training.
Your thoughts?