Node.js slides from @rug_b meetup last night
Posted on 8/10/10 by Felix Geisendörfer

Last night I had the honor of speaking about node.js in front of Berlin's ruby community at the @rug_b user group meetup.
The meeting was well attended (~50 geeks), but wooga did a great job hosting the event and even let us use their main room after it became clear that we couldn't fit everybody in the initial room.
The slides of my talk are available on slideshare and as a pdf download. For those of you who have seen the previous version of the talk, this is a very much updated version. Basically I had to replace all previous "The Future" slides with new content since node has implemented all of those things by now : ).
Anyway, Tim and I had a great time talking to everybody and also enjoyed the other talks about Mongrel2 and Phusion Passenger 3.
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