CakeNews - A CakePHP feed collection
Posted on 8/6/06 by Felix Geisendörfer

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One of my little site projects right now, is to create a new CakePHP powered I'm still far from beeing done, but today I felt like working on the RSS feed collection for CakePHP a little bit, and it went suprisingly well. So I just uploaded it so other people can use it if they like to.
- (Don't forget the trailing / when entering the url manually)
The code also contains a Model for RSS feed retrieval & parsing (no external libraries required) which I'll release later on.
If you think I've missed a feed, or you got a suggestion, feel free to E-Mail me.
Note: The Trac feed makes problems on my web server, but it works fine locally. I think it'll output an error in 2 hours from now when the cache expires, I'll try to fix it when I find time to.
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Thanks Jose. I'll try to complete it asap ; ).
Ok I just fixed the Bug that caused Trac to be not working, now I'll start to get this baby going ; ).
[...] I just updated the CakeNews site I talked about earlier. The latest version has some simple CSS to it, as well as a 2 new features: Showing the 10 latest events in the world of CakePHP + a form to use the search. I also added the Google Groups feed that contains changes to tickets. [...]
That really nice update about cakePHP... Do you have it in RSS format? ;)
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I think this will be a very good resource. Looking forward to it.